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Domestic Internships

SSC 493 - Social Science Internship

Michigan State University's College of Social Science - Office for Experiential Learning defines an internship as an academic, credit-bearing professional development experience that integrates critical self-reflection and career related responsibilities into an undergraduate educational program through participation in planned, supervised, and evaluated professional and academic work. The student intern benefits by acquiring knowledge and honing skills related to their academic and career goals; and the internship organization benefits from the growth and work of student interns. 

SSC 493 - Social Science Internship course incorporates methods and concepts from social and behavioral sciences applied in career-related settings.

Once you have secured an internship, or even if you still need assistance finding one, our office can be a resource!

Course instructors serve as liaisons between enrolled students and their internship site. If students experience issues or have concerns involving their internship, they should not hesitate to contact us. We are prepared to communicate with the internship site to come to a resolution.

If you are unsure if your internship qualifies for the SSC 493 course, contact our office for assistance. 

Awarding of Retroactive Credit

The internship must be completed in the same semester that the prospective student is enrolled in SSC 493. We do not award retroactive credit. 

ATTENTION - Students CANNOT use prior or current full or part-time employment to qualify as an internship. Unfortunately, an internship is not a job; full or part-time employment does not offer the same learning opportunities as an internship. Paid employment typically involves different supervisor-employee relationships, other objectives, and less structured learning than does an internship. However, paid internships are allowed.



Gordon and Norma Guyer Public Policy Internship Award - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE!

The Gordon and Norma Guyer Endowed Internship Program provides scholarships of at least $1000 to support MSU students that participate in credit-bearing (Field Experience, i.e. MC 400/401) public policy related internships. Any student completing Field Experience with a public policy-related internship should apply.

To apply: submit application form, resume, personal statement, and transcripts in PDF format to Max Olivero,

Deadline: April 11, 2025

Course Information

  • On-line D2L course assignments

  • Pass/No Grade course

  • Students do NOT need to be a College of Social Science student to enroll in SSC 493

  • Internship must be related to student’s academic and/or career goals

  • Requires College-level approval before student is enrolled

  • Rrecommended 2.5 overall minimum GPA and Academic Advisor approval

  • Variable credits offered, 3-12

  • Each credit earned requires three hours of work per week for the duration of the semester. Example, a 3 credit internship requires 135 total hours to be completed (9 hrs per week x 15 weeks = 135) *please click on FAQs for the chart*

  • FAQs


Here's How to Apply* 

*Note: you MUST have an internship already to apply for credit

  1. Meet with your advisor to ensure that the credits will count towards your degree requirements
  2. Fill out the following application (Select Social Science Internship Course): 
  3. The form will automatically send forms to your advisor and supervisor- if they do not receive the forms, tell them to check their junk mail folder
  4. Follow up to ensure both complete these forms
  5. Once all forms (application, advisor, and supervisor) are received, we will enroll you in SSC 493. You do NOT enroll yourself in the course

NOT APPROVING INTERNSHIPS AT THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: Northwestern Mutual, The Borgen Project, Disney, Disney College Program, PIRGIM, College Works Painting, and College Pro Painters

Application Deadlines

The following materials must be received by our office by 12:00 pm ET (noon) on the date indicated below: 

  • student application 
  • supervisor training agreement (link automatically sent to supervisor when student submits initial program application). 
  • advisor confirmation form

Students are responsible for the staying current with the status of their application packages. 

Summer 2025 Deadline: June 2, 2025 at 12:00 pm ET (noon)

Fall 2025 Deadline: September 15, 2025 at 12:00 pm ET (noon)

Spring 2026 Deadline: Februaty 2, 2026 at 12:00 pm ET (noon)

Summer 2026 Deadline: June 1, 2026 at 12:00 pm ET (noon)

Note: extenuating circumstances are taken under consideration for late applications, please contact our office with questions.

Students are responsible for all tuition and enrollment deadlines set by the Office of The Registrar, found   here

Students who complete internships during their undergraduate career report tremendous personal and professional growth. Check out some recaps of past students' internships.


Eduardo Gonzalez
Major: Economics
Placement: Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, San Francisco

Internship takeaway: My favorite part so far of my internship is that I have had the opportunity to meet so many different intelligent people. Everyone that works for this organization is so nice and helpful. Additionally, it is always fun to meet locals and try to help them improve the local economy.

Advice for future students: Economics is a great major because you can find a job just about anywhere. Despite this, you should definitely go outside your comfort zone to really find what you're passionate about. You never know what type of career you'll really love.


Emily Hill
Major: HDFS 
Placement: Network Volunteers, New Orleans

Internship takeaway: I learned about my own sense of independence. This experience helped me to not be so afraid of graduating because I now have the confidence of moving to a new city and taking on a new job alone.

Advice for future students: Get out of your comfort zone! This experience forced me to do things I would have never done in East Lansing. I learned so much about myself and myself as a professional. Interning forced me to grow up and made me a lot more proactive about deciding what I am going to do after graduating.


Breaunte Brown
Major: Human Geography 
Placement: Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Flint 

Internship takeaway: I learned that my work is appreciated, and that my amativeness is well-versed. I was offered experience that I will need in the future. BBBS opened a door for me to make connections and step a foot into the workplace. 

Advice for future students: I would advise interns to research the places they want to work. Also, they should definitely talk to multiple places if there are multiple positions available.


Julia Kosnik
Major: Social Relations and Policy
Placement: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Washington, D.C.

Internship takeaway: I learned that the United States is facing a major crisis in regards to immigration that is not always highlighted in the news. I was able to learn so much about a system that is misunderstood. I was able to see the immigration crisis from a political perspective as well as a humanitarian perspective. Through my experience, I realized that I want to work on the humanitarian side of things in the future.

Advice for future students: I would advise students to apply everywhere even if they think it is a long shot. I never thought I would be selected to work for the United Nations. I applied to over 15 locations and I learned something different from every application process and interview. I would recommend students to apply to many places as they can because you never know what might strike a supervisor's eye and lead them to interview you.

For more information, contact:

Cathy M. White, M.S.
Academic Specialist - Advisor
Phone: 517-353-9291

Office for Experiential Learning

College of Social Science
Phone: 517-432-4541