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Dr. Buchanan Reappointed to Michigan Domestic & Sexual Violence Prevention & Treatment Board

January 19, 2024 - Shelly DeJong

NiCole BuchananCongratulations to MSU Psychology professor Dr. NiCole Buchanan on her reappointment to the Michigan Domestic & Sexual Violence Prevention & Treatment Board.  Dr. Buchanan has been reappointed to represent persons with experience handling the problems of domestic violence and/or sexual violence. 

“It is an honor to serve Michigan survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to help create a survivor-centered community that is sensitive to their needs. I could not be more proud to continue to serve with my esteemed colleagues, each of which have decades of dedication to Michigan survivors,” said Dr. Buchanan.  

Dr. Buchanan’s research examines the interplay of race, gender and victimization and how social identity dimensions impact the nature of harassment. She is a member of the MSU Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory workgroup and is a part of the MSU Research Consortium on Gender-Based Violence.   

Dr. Buchanan received her Bachelor of Science in psychology, her Master of Arts and Ph.D. in clinical community psychology from the University of Illinois – Champaign-Urbana. She has been employed at Michigan State since 2002. 

The Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board coordinates and monitors programs and services for the prevention of domestic and sexual violence and the treatment of victims of domestic and sexual violence. The Board administers grants awarded under the Violence Against Women Act, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, and other governmental and non-governmental grants.   

Dr. Buchanan’s term commenced on January 11, 2024, and will expire December 4, 2027.