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Degree Requirements

The specific requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science are located in Academic Programs Catalog.

Students already in the College of Social Science are held to the requirements of when they entered the College. Courses used to meet University Requirements cannot be used to meet College or Major requirements unless already coordinated.


Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor Degrees. 

  • Students starting in the College FS17 - US21 (pages 2-4) -  FS17 - US21 

  • Students starting in the College Prior to FS17 (pages 2-3) -  Prior to FS17 


Below are the definitions of different aspects of graduation requirements. 


    Students with an experiential learning requirement -

    The experiential learning requirement may be satisfied either within or outside the requirements of the major. The requirement may be met by completing a 3 or 4-credit experiential learning course, approved by the College of Social Science Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy or its designee. A list of approved courses will be maintained by the College of Social Science.  

    The experiential learning requirement is designed to ensure that each undergraduate student will have the opportunity to enhance problem-solving and integrative reasoning skills through practice outside of the traditional classroom learning environment. Study abroad and study away experiences, internships, service learning and civic engagement experiences, undergraduate research, including, in appropriate cases, honors theses, and entrepreneurship experiences can meet this requirement. 

    Current list of courses meeting this requirement [version May, 2023]:

    Experiential Learning.pdf


    Students with an interdisciplinary minor requirement -

    There are minors offered in the college that meet this requirement, minors approved for the requirement but require you to follow the Social Science track, and there are minors that have restrictions, which require a meeting with your College of Social Science Academic advisor.  


    Courses used to meet University requirements cannot be used to meet this requirement.


    View the full list of Minors that meet requirements:



    Students with a STEM requirement -

    Complete the minimum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses from a list of courses approved and maintained by the College of Social Science Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy. In some majors, the STEM courses are specified.

    • Bachelor of Science degree: 12 credit minimum
      • Mathematics 103 may not apply to this requirement if used for University Math Requirement.


    Courses used to meet University requirements cannot be used to meet this requirement.

    Current list of courses meeting this requirement [version November 2, 2020]:



    Students with a Arts & Humanities (A&H) requirement -

    Complete the minimum in A&H courses from a list of courses approved and maintained by the College of Social Science Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy

    • Bachelor of Arts: No specified requirement
    • Bachelor of Science: 6 credit minimum (depending on version)


    Courses used to meet University requirements cannot be used to meet this requirement.

    Current list of courses meeting this requirement [version November 2, 2020]:



    Complete a minimum of 30 credits in courses numbered at the 300 level and above. Courses offered by the student’s major department or school may be used to satisfy this requirement.

    • A maximum of 12 credits of independent study may be applied to the degree.

    • A maximum of 12 credits of internship, field experience, or practicum credits may be applied to the degree.

    The total of independent study, internship, field experience, and practicum credits applied to the degree may not exceed 20 credits.


Students with questions should contact the academic advisor for the major. 


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