What majors are available in the College of Social Science?
The College of Social Science is home to all academic disciplines that focus on the social, behavioral and economic sciences. You will find everything here from Psychology and Economics to Criminal Justice, Political Science and Human Development and Family Studies. Find a complete list and description of majors here.
How do I change my major?
A meeting with the major Academic Advisor is required to change your major into the College of Social Science. A list of major Academic Advisors can be found here. If you have questions about changing to a social science major, contact the College of Social Science Office of Student Affairs and Services at SSC.AcadmicAffairs@msu.edu (517) 355-6676 or stop by 201 Berkey Hall.
What study abroad and study away programs does the College of Social Science offer?
The College of Social Science offers a wide range of opportunities to study abroad internationally or study away in various cities throughout the United States. Many internship opportunities are available through both study abroad and study away programs. Visit the Office for Experiential Learning’s pages or call the office at (517) 432-4541.
What scholarships are available through the College of Social Science?
There are a number of scholarships offered by the College of Social Science for which current students majoring in a social science discipline may apply. From the Andrew Undergraduate Fellowship, which focuses on undergraduates researching with a faculty mentor, to the Charles Hayden Kelly Scholarship, which helps students who may have financial need but may not normally qualify for financial aid, the College of Social Science has many scholarships available for students. Visit the scholarships page for more information.
What is the process for medical withdrawal?
If you are seeking a medical withdrawal, please contact the Dean of Students Office. They are now handling all medical withdrawal requests:
Please contact Financial Aid to discuss any effect this may have on your aid. We want you to make an informed decision in case there are any Financial Aid impacts. https://finaid.msu.edu/contact.asp
We encourage you to make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to minimize the impact to your academic career. They can discuss if medical leave is the best option for you and what else may be available for you should your request not be approved. https://socialscience.msu.edu/undergraduate/current-students/advising-affairs.html
How do I request a Grief Absence?
A grief absence is for a short-term absence only. The college will typically approve a few days of leave time, with a maximum of two weeks (10 business days) based on the circumstances of need. A conversation with the associate dean or their designee may be requested to assess if a grief absence is the appropriate support for the student's circumstance.
The College of Social Science follows the official MSU grief absence policy. The College of Social Science's policy can be found here.
Procedures for Students:
- Student must complete the grief absence form in their StuInfo portal
- Student must email supporting documentation to SSC.GriefAbsence@msu.edu.
College of Social Science Grief Absence Process:
- Student submits a grief absence request form.
- College will email student a confirmation they have received the request.
- Student emails supporting documentation.
- College will review request and documentation.
- A meeting with the associate dean or their designee may be requested.
- College will make decision on request:
- If YES, the college will notify the student's instructors and copy them on the emails so that the student can follow up with them directly regarding any missed assignments or assessments during their absence.
- If NO, the college will email the student at their MSU email the decision and reason.
Accepted Documentation: For requests related to interpersonal losses, documentation can include official notification of a death (e.g., funeral home verification, published obituary, funeral program). For other types of requests, students may submit other forms of documentation pertinent to the circumstances that prompted the request. Documentation should be emailed to SSC.GriefAbsence@msu.edu.
Students should be aware that a grief absence will excuse them from class. However, it remains their responsibility to work with their instructors on any missed assignments or assessments during their absence. It is within the instructor’s discretion on what kinds of accommodations they provide for their class.
Grief can be a difficult experience to navigate. Please be aware that grief counseling is available at Olin Health on the 3rd floor. They can be of valuable support during this trying period.
If the student needs any assistance with their request or has questions, they can call
or email SSC.GriefAbsence@msu.edu.(517) 432-3598