Former Michigan Governor Jim Blanchard Reflects on the Life and Legacy of Former U.S. Senator for Michigan Carl Levin
July 29, 2021 - Becky Jensen
Photo: Former Michigan Governor Jim Blanchard with the late U.S. Senator Carl Levin in 2019 at Michigan State University. Photo Courtesy: Gary Shrewsbury
(East Lansing, MI) Former Governor of Michigan James Blanchard has issued the following statement on the passing of long-time colleague and friend U.S. Senator Carl Levin:
“For over fifty years, I have known Carl Levin as a friend, a colleague and a leader of the important issues of our times. He was much more than Michigan’s longest serving United States Senator. For all those five decades, he has been totally devoted to the public interest and public good. From fighting to protect Detroit’s neighborhoods, to being a champion for a strong and thoughtful national defense, Carl Levin has been a role model for those who seek to serve the public. His work in Michigan on civil rights, his advocacy in Washington for peace in the world and jobs here at home was tireless. There is hardly an issue we face that Carl Levin hasn’t tried to master and solve. Everyone always says they want to see our representatives work across the aisle. As a US Senator, Carl Levin did that, he didn’t just talk about it.
Carl Levin was a great man for sure. But he was also a good man. Carl Levin’s life brings honor to the title ‘US Senator’. Everyone who served with him, knows that. That’s why he was often called “the conscience of the senate.”
To Carl’s loving wife, Barbara and their children, and his distinguished brother, Congressman Sander Levin, from whom he learned so much, we in Michigan salute the family that gave us so much for over a half century.”
Senator Levin was featured as a speaker in 2019 as part of the Jim Blanchard Public Service Forum, housed in the Department of Political Science, within the College of Social Science at Michigan State University.
Senator Levin died on July 29, 2021 at age 87. He was diagnosed with Lung Cancer four years ago.
“Former U.S. Senator Carl Levin was a life-long supporter of Michigan, its communities, and businesses. We are grateful for all his contributions that will impact and inspire many generations ahead. Our sincerest sympathies to all his family and friends during this difficult time,” said Mary Finn, Dean, College of Social Science at Michigan State University.