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Dean’s Research Associates Development Institute

Underrepresented faculty face many barriers within institutions of higher education, and as a result, they often seek professional and personal support outside their home institutions, and sometimes outside the academy altogether. The Dean’s Research Associate Development Institute (DRADI) is designed to provide ongoing professional and personal support to ensure long term professional success. Specifically, it promotes and enhance the careers of the postdocs admitted into the Dean’s Research Associate Institute by addressing institutional barriers that have constrained the advancement of underrepresented future faculty in the social sciences. It  also targets institutional culture and practices that may hinder the retaining of these diverse individuals.

Description of the Program

DRADI is designed as a structured, comprehensive, and holistic training institute, which combines research training, with pedagogical training, and academic professional development opportunities, to aid in preparing the research associates for the responsibilities of an academic faculty position. During the first and second years of the institute, DRADI hosts monthly workshops/meetings with a variety of career foci. These meetings provide networking opportunities, and short presentations on a range of professional development topics. The institute  also provides information and resources which research associates will need in order to make the successful transition into tenure track positions.