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Angie Kennedy

Associate Professor - School of Social Work

Dr. Angie Kennedy is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at MSU. Her research focuses broadly on interpersonal violence. More specifically, she examines cumulative victimization (including community and school violence, witnessing family violence, physical and sexual child maltreatment, and physical, sexual, coercive, and economic partner violence) and associated outcomes among adolescents and young adults, particularly those who are poor or low-income. She is especially interested in using innovative methods to explore patterns of co-occurring and cumulative victimization over time; she has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Current projects include a study of partner violence at the relationship level within a sociodemographically diverse group of young women, and a study of coerced debt and economic well-being among newly-divorced women who experienced partner violence during their marriage, funded by the National Science Foundation. She was the director of the PhD program for five years and has mentored many doctoral students and junior faculty members. She teaches policy and theory across the BASW, MSW, and PhD programs.

Angie Kennedy is Kendall Morris' mentor.