Chenwei Liao
Associate Professor - School of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Chenwei Liao (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago) is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University's School of Human Resources and Labor Relations (SHRLR). His research focuses on phenomena occurring within organizational contexts, particularly pertaining to leaders and followers (e.g., servant leadership, leader-member exchange, idiosyncratic deals). Supported by awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the SHRM Foundation (Society for Human Resource Management), the International Association of Chinese Management Research, and the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, Chenwei's research has been published in prestigious journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of International Business Studies. He currently serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and Research in Human Resource Management. At Michigan State, Chenwei teaches leadership at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and he is actively involved in SHRLR's Doctoral Program Committee and Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
Chenwei Liao is Ahleah Miles's mentor.