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The Dean’s Institutional Access Small Grant Program

Call for Proposals

  • The Dean’s Institutional Access Small Grant Program is a competitive small grants program which provides up to $5,000 for social science innovation/scholarship that engages thoughtfully with, and advances SSC’s mission of inclusive excellence.

  • Priority will be given to multi/interdisciplinary, collaborative projects that are aligned with the Institutional Access Implementation Plan.

  • Funding may be awarded for, but is not limited to, initiatives that have the potential for long-term sustainable and scalable Institutional Access change in SSC, including innovations in Access education, initiatives to improve Access competency, advance climate, and/or retention of students and/or staff.

  • The Program will award up to 5 grants.


  • Faculty members (tenure system and fixed term) holding majority appointments in the College of Social Science are eligible to apply. Individuals may submit original applications as the Lead/Principal Investigator to more than one SSC funding program during the grant-application cycle, but a single individual may only be awarded funding from one SSC program of funding per academic year. Program funding cycle is on an academic year basis (August 16th to August 15th).

  • Applicants should list all applications for funding, including dollar amounts, related to the proposed project whether applications are pending or approved.

Submission Process: 

  • Application packets should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Access, Faculty Development, and Strategic Implementation as a single PDF document, via email to:, with Dean’s Institutional Access Small Grants Program (Faculty) in subject line. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on February 14, 2025.

  • Application packets should include the following (only complete packages will be reviewed):

    1. Application checklist

    2. 2-page proposal (single-spaced) addressing significance, methods, and expected outcomes of project and how it aligns with the goals of our SSC Institutional Access Implementation Plan.

    3. CV of Lead/Principal Investigator and research team members, if applicable.

    4. 1 supporting letter of recommendation highlighting the applicant’s commitment to Institutional Access in relation to the proposed project. Letter should come from the applicant’s chairperson/director.

    5. Detailed 1-page budget, justification, and documentation.

Selection Process: 

  • The Associate Dean for Institutional Access, Faculty Development, and Strategic Implementation will convene a Dean’s Institutional Access Small Grants Program committee.

  • Committee will evaluate proposals and make a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Institutional Access, Faculty Development, and Strategic Implementation.

  • Funds may only be used for expenses related to the project. Funds may not be used for compensation, course buyouts, conference travel, or uses in conflict with university policy regarding expenditure of general funds.

Award Requirements: 

  • Awardees are expected to submit to the Office of Institutional Access:

    • .5-page (single-space) summary of all expenditure incurred by the halfway point of grant year (February 2026).

    • 1-page report (single-space) describing outcomes and dissemination plan, should be submitted within 12 months of completion of the award.

Review Criteria 

i. Quality and Technical Merit -35%

  • Builds on prior research.
  • Sound methodology or implementation plan 
  • Feasibility 
  • Innovative and creative approach to address a problem
  • Alignment with SSC Institutional Access Implementation Plan

ii. Impact of the Work- 35%

  • Potential to advance Institutional Access innovation or scholarship
  • Practical relevance 
  • Promises identifiable Institutional Access innovation or product
  • Potential to attract additional sponsored activities

iii. Capabilities, Demonstrated Productivity, and Experience of Applicants-20% 

  • PI/Team skills 
  • Record of past success

iv. Budget-10%

  • Costs equivalent to the work 
  • Appropriate use of small grant funds