Departments and Schools are responsible for initiating the RPT process and provide guidance as to the specific timelines, procedures and criteria for their faculty. Faculty are also responsible for familiarizing themselves with their department or school’s RPT criteria and process along with the College’s process and timeline.
Assistant Professor
1 st probationary review – Occurs about 2 years prior to end of
their first probationary period (4 years).
2 nd probationary review – Occurs about 2 years prior to end of
their second probationary period (last 3 years).
Associate Professor
Departments and Schools each have their own specific review process and those processes are considered at the College level review.
The Dean's Advisory Council on Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT Council) reviews all reappointment, promotion and tenure cases and meets in February to provide recommendations to the Dean. The Dean and the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty both individually review all RPT cases.
They then confer, consider the recommendations from the RPT Council, and the Dean forwards final recommendations to the Provost.
The College guidelines are University compliant and include CSS specific requirements for material preparation, Form for Progress and Excellence (formerly Form D), and external evaluators.