Pero Dagbovie
Associate Dean - Graduate School
Dr. Pero Gaglo Dagbovie is a University Distinguished Professor of History and an Associate Dean in the Graduate School. For five years, he served as the graduate director and associate chair in the Department of History. He has written numerous articles and essays and has authored six books. He will be the next editor of The Journal of African American History. Since 2008, he has worked closely with the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (National Capital Parks-East) on African American public history projects. For more than a decade, he has been involved in a range of programs, initiatives, and committees pertaining to diversity and inclusion at MSU, including the Provost’s Office Diversity Team, the Steering Committee for the MSU Campus Climate Assessment, the African American and African Studies Program, the Race in 21st Century Conference, the M.A.G.I.C. Program, and the Dean’s Advisory Board on Diversity & Inclusion, College of Social Science (DABDI). Much of his work in the Graduate School focuses on the Graduate School’s goals related to diversity and inclusion through programs like the King-Chavez-Parks FFF Program, the TIAA-CREF Ruth Simms Hamilton Graduate Merit Fellowship, the Academic Achievement Graduate Assistantships, the Summer Research Opportunities Program, and the NSF-funded Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Program. Dr. Dagbovie is a 2018-19 Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program Fellow and is serving on the MSU Presidential Search Committee.
Pero Dagbovie is Ashlee Barnes' mentor.