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Brian Johnson

Human Development & Family Studies, Fixed term assistant, Dean’s DEI Fellow, Assistant Dean DEI, JMC

Dr. Brian Johnson is an assistant professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Michigan State University. He holds a B.S. and M.T. from Hampton University in Early Childhood/Psychology, a J.D. from Western Michigan University-Cooley Law School with a concentration in Constitutional Law and Civil Rights, and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Human Development and Family Studies. His scholarly interests focus on examining the constitutionality of laws and policies that affect youth and college-age underrepresented populations. He also has a particular interest in exploring and increasing sense of belonging among underrepresented groups at the college level. In addition to currently teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, he has over ten years of experience directing pipeline, recruitment, and retention programs. Also a certified elementary teacher, his pipeline programs focus on preparing students for college during the K-12 years, and ensuring they receive resources for success throughout their college experience. His advising, recruitment and retention initiatives have been recognized at the university and state levels.