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Research Scope

The research of the Youth Equity Project requires a multimethod, interdisciplinary approach that takes into account the many different ways that youth and their families are affected by the world around them. Researchers in the YEP are looking to better understand the identity and positive development of marginalized youth, and the role of families, communities, practices and policies in preventing the adverse effects of the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.

Our research looks into the cross-sections of:

  • Community Youth and Family Programs

    Smith, E. P., Yzaguirre, M., Dwanyen, L., Wieling, E. (2022). Culturally Relevant Parenting Approaches Among African American and Latinx Children and Families: Toward Resilient, Strengths-Based, Trauma-Informed Practices. Adversity and Resilience Science: Journal of Research and Practice. Issue 2: Historic and Race‐Based Trauma: Culture and Identity Development, 209-224.

    Heath, R. & Park, K., Millwar. S. (2021). Opportunities for positive youth development: The organized activity participation and educational outcomes of adolescents in adoptive, foster, and kinship care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,1-20.

    Smith, E. P, Murry, V. M., Yzaguirre, M., Gonzalez, C., Kas-Osoka, C. (2023). Building the Bridge to Anti-racist, Equitable, and Inclusive Practices: Translational Developmental Science for a Diverse Society. In Dawn P. Witherspoon and Gabriela L. Stein (Editors) Diversity and Developmental Science: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy

    Smith, E. P., Witherspoon, D. P., and Lei, P. (2021). The “Haves, Have Some, and Have Nots:” A Latent Profile Analysis of Capacity, Quality, and Implementation in Afterschool Programs. Prevention Science, 22, 971-985.

  • Systems-Involved Youth (Justice Systems, Child Welfare Systems)

    Krupa, J., Dembo, R., Schmeidler, J., Wolff, J., & Wareham, J. (2022) An Examination of Risk Profiles among Justice-Involved Girls: Do Race and Place Matter?, Deviant Behavior, 43:12, 1433-1452, DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2021.1982659

    Park, K., Victor, B., Perron, B., & Ryan, J., Braun, B. (2022). Persistent racial disproportionality in investigated and substantiated child maltreatment reports: Trend analysis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2020). Journal of Public Child Welfare.

    Park, K. & Courtney, M. E. (2022). Mitigating risks of incarceration among transition-age foster youth: Considering domains of social bonds. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

    Park, K. (2022). Is juvenile justice system involvement context-dependent?: The differential experiences of older foster youth in the context of extended foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

    Wareham, J., Dembo, R., Krupa, J., Faber, J., Terminello, A., & Cristiano, J. (2021) Gender Differences in an Exploratory Model of Family Problems and Stress-Related Experiences among Justice-Involved Youth, Victims & Offenders, 16:6, 819-846, DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2020.1850581

  • Trauma-Informed Research, Practice and Policies

    Dwanyen, L., Holtrop, K., & Parra‐Cardona, R. (2022). Reducing mental health disparities among racially and ethnically diverse populations: A review of couple and family intervention research methods (2010–2019). Journal of Marital and Family Therapy48(1), 346-365.

    Smith, E. P., Yzaguirre, M. M., Dwanyen, L., & Wieling, E. (2022). Culturally relevant parenting approaches among African American and Latinx children and families: Toward resilient, strengths-based, trauma-informed practices. Adversity and Resilience Science3(3), 209-224.

    Morgan, E., Wieling, E., Hubbard, J., & Dwanyen, L. (2020). Perceptions of War Trauma and Healing of Marital Relations Among Torture‐surviving Congolese Couples Participating in Multicouple Therapy. Family Process59(3), 1128-1143.

  • Racial-Ethnic Minoritized and Immigrant Youth

    Halgunseth, L.C., Witherspoon, D.P., & Wray-Lake, L. (2022). Dismantling systems and improving contexts to support the development of BIPOC youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32 (2), 386-397.

    Witherspoon, D.P., Wray-Lake, L., & Halgunseth, L.C. (2022). Black Lives Matter! Adolescent research incrementally dismantles racism and systems of oppression. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32 (1), 4-12.

    Wray-Lake, L., Witherspoon, D.P., Halgunseth, L.C., & Sheffield Morris, A. (in press). Dismantling systems of racism and oppression during adolescence: An agenda for anti-racist research. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

    Wray-Lake, L., Halgunseth, L.C., & Witherspoon, D.P. (2022). Good trouble, necessary trouble: Expanding thinking and research on youth of color’s resistance to oppression. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(3), 949-959

    Augustine, Danielle, Smith, Emilie Phillips, and Witherspoon, Dawn P. (2022).  African American Children’s Afterschool Connectedness, Racial-ethnic Pride, and Problem Behaviors. Journal of Youth Development, 17(4), 175-194.  DOI: 10.5195/jyd.2022.1137

    Benner, A. D., Wang, Y., Chen, S., & Boyle, A. (2022). Measurement considerations in the link between racial/ethnic discrimination and adolescent well-being: A meta-analysis. Developmental Review. 5-Year IF: 15.362

    Wang, Y. (2022). Every day matters: Using daily methods to understand oppression and BIPOC February, 2023 Wang 3 youth development in context. Journal of Research on Adolescence. (Invited commentary for the special issue “Truth is on the Side of the Oppressed”: Systems of Oppression Affecting BIPOC Youth). 5-Year IF: 3.628 6.

    Yu, D. Smith, E. P. & Oshri, A. (2021) Exploring racial–ethnic pride and perceived barriers in positive youth development: A latent profile analysis. Applied Developmental Science, 25:4, 332- 350, DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2019.1640607