Kyle Powys White
Professor - Philosophy and Community Sustainability
A Professor of Philosophy and Community Sustainability, Dr. Kyle Whyte holds the Timnick Chair in the Humanities at Michigan State University. He is also a faculty member of the Environmental Philosophy & Ethics graduate concentration and the Geocognition Research Lab and a faculty affiliate of the American Indian & Indigenous Studies and Environmental Science & Policy Programs. His research focuses on climate and environmental justice and indigenous environmental studies. In his research, teaching, training, and activism, Dr. Whyte addresses the moral and political issues concerning climate policy and indigenous peoples and the ethics of cooperative relationships between indigenous peoples and climate science organizations. His recent work investigates indigenous food security and indigenous critiques of concepts of the anthropocene. His writing appears in journals such as Climatic Change, Daedalus, Sustainability Science, Hypatia, Synthese, and Human Ecology and in collections published by Oxford University Press, Routledge, Cambridge University Press, and New York University Press. Dr. Whyte received the K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award in 2009 from the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Bunyan Bryant Award for Academic Excellence in 2015 from Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, and the Don Ihde Distinguished Alumni Award in 2018 from the Department of Philosophy at Stony Brook University.
Kyle Whyte is Nakia Parker's mentor.