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Disability Independence Day 2022


This month, we are practicing disability awareness with a celebration of Disability Independence Day on July 26. Disability Independence Day marks the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, the first civil rights law prohibiting discrimination based on disability. The law helped break down barriers for individuals with disabilities, leading to structural improvements surrounding accessibility and guaranteed equal opportunity in public accommodations, employment, transportation and government services.


Diversity Champion

Diversity Champion
Dr. Todd Elder

Dr. Todd Elder is an MSU Foundation Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the MSU Department of Economics, whose research aims to identify the factors both internal and external that can lead to children being diagnosed with a disability.

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Diversity Torch

Diversity Torch
Nora Curley

Nora Curley is a senior at MSU studying Criminal Justice and Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science. She is a member of the MSU Tower Guard, an on-campus organization serving the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) in its mission to create a more inclusive environment at Michigan State.

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Diversity Spotlight

Diversity Spotlight
Yvonne Fleener

Yvonne Fleener is a 1991 graduate of the College of Social Science and the current President and CEO of the Disability Network Southwest Michigan. Fleener has dedicated her life to disability awareness and has been at the forefront of conversations with local organizations to advocate for the disabled community.

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