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  • Anthropology

    Department of Anthropology

    Anthropology takes culture as its central object of study, giving students a framework for viewing culture in the context of the natural world and evolutionary processes. Anthropologists also study the organization of social life, as well as symbolic and ideological systems. 

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Child Development and Early Childhood Education: Birth to Kindergarten and Special Education

    Department of Human Development and Family Studies

    The Bachelor of Arts in Child Development and Early Childhood Education: Birth to Kindergarten and Special Education degree leads to teacher certification for birth to kindergarten in the state of Michigan upon successful completion of the degree requirements and certification requirements of the state of Michigan (including successful completion of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification). Students may also choose to complete requirements for an additional teaching certification for pre-kindergarten to 3rd grade, resulting in birth to 3rd grade teaching certifications, upon successful completion of degree and certification requirements.  The degree program curriculum is built around two core principles: 1) multiple contexts and experiences shape development, including biology, family, school, community, and culture; and 2) high quality, equitable early childhood education reflects the application of empirically-based research to inform practices that promote the comprehensive well-being of children and families. This degree program combines a primary education in child development and family studies with a focus on high-quality, equitable early childhood educational practices including special education. The major is appropriate for students interested in working with young children, from birth through kindergarten, in early educational settings as educators or administrators, including early childhood education infant/toddler/preschool programs, home visiting programs and special education/early intervention. All students will gain extensive practical experience working with young children from diverse backgrounds, families, and educators in the MSU Child Development Laboratories (CDLs), which are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and in other community-based early childhood settings. Students gain hands-on experience in early childhood classrooms and in early childhood home visiting programs.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Criminal Justice

    School of Criminal Justice

    The program promotes general knowledge through core and social science courses.  It provides students with the opportunity to pursue interests in the following areas:  juvenile justice, police administration, adult corrections, and security.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Economics

    Department of Economics

    The Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics emphasizes the use of advanced math and science in the analysis of economic theories. The program offers students more emphasis on mathematics, statistics, and computer science, as preparation for those who wish to pursue graduate training in economics.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Geography

    Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences

    The Bachelor of Science Degree in Geographic Information Science provides a rigorous, in-depth program for students interested in the application of information technology to the spatial dimensions of the Earth’s human and physical systems. It is an ideal program for those pursuing a career in the spatial technology sector, or for those considering graduate study in geography and related disciplines. 

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Global and International Studies

    Center for Integrative Studies

    The Global and International Studies in Social Science (GLIS) major provides students with breadth in social science foundational courses combined with in-depth knowledge in a world region or global topic.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Global History

    Department of History

    All courses in history have the goal of helping students learn how to think and write historically in a critical manner. History courses emphasize learning how to identify viewpoints, gather and organize information, present conclusions in essays and on the internet, distinguish facts from interpretations, recognize historical relationships and patterns, and appreciate the relevance of historical insight to the understanding of current events and problems.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • History

    Department of History

    All courses in history have the goal of helping students learn how to think and write historically in a critical manner. History courses emphasize learning how to identify viewpoints, gather and organize information, present conclusions in essays and on the internet, distinguish facts from interpretations, recognize historical relationships and patterns, and appreciate the relevance of historical insight to the understanding of current events and problems.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • History: Social Studies Education

    Department of History

    PLEASE NOTE: If you will be a senior starting in the Fall of 2023, you should complete the History Education major or Interdisciplinary Studies: Social Science Education major according to its current description.

    All courses in history have the goal of helping students learn how to think and write historically in a critical manner. History courses emphasize learning how to identify viewpoints, gather and organize information, present conclusions in essays and on the internet, distinguish facts from interpretations, recognize historical relationships and patterns, and appreciate the relevance of historical insight to the understanding of current events and problems.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Human Resources and Labor Relations

    School of Human Resources and Labor Relations

    The Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resources and Labor Relations provides a general social science understanding of the complex nature of people and work. The program focuses on workforce education, training and development; laws governing employment and workplace rights; human decision-making and behavior in the labor market and workplace; and organizational strategies, policies and practices governing and influencing employee outcomes and performance.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Human Development and Family Studies

    Department of Human Development and Family Studies

    Students are prepared to work in community and governmental agencies and organizations that provide human services within changing societies and serve children, youth, and families.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science

    Areas of study include Community Governance and Advocacy, Health and Society, Liberal Studies, and Social Science Education.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

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  • Political Science

    Department of Political Science

    The undergraduate major in political science is designed to provide students not only with a broad education in political and other social sciences but also with the analytical skills essential in many professions. 

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Arts PreLaw

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  • Psychology

    Department of Psychology

    Psychology is both a biological and social science, a scholarly discipline, and a profession. Psychologists use many different methods and procedures to study mental processes and behavior and focus on a variety of problems.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Public Policy

    Department of Political Science

    The Public Policy major is designed to prepare students for careers in public service, advocacy, and analysis. It aims at a broad understanding of the goals and problems of public policy, the political process that leads to policy development, and the implementation and evaluation of public policy.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Social Work

    School of Social Work

    The Social Work program emphasizes person-in-environment framework within a systems perspective. We teach students about service and social justice as we prepare them for generalist social work practice and public service with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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  • Sociology

    Department of Sociology

    Sociology is the study of how society shapes us and how we shape society. The basic principles of our undergraduate program emphasize an active, community-based approach to learning; the mastery of writing, numerical, critical thinking; and analytical skills.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science

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  • Urban and Regional Planning

    School of Planning, Design and Construction

    Urban and Regional Planning deals with aspects of design and regulation of the uses of space that focus on the physical form, economic functions, and social impacts of the urban environment and on the location and flow of different activities within it.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Science

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  • World Politics

    Department of Political Science

    The World Politics major is designed to educate students about governments and political systems of many different nations and the interactions among them. It will prepare students for careers in international affairs in the public, private, and non-profit spheres.

    Degree Opportunities

    Bachelor of Arts

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Professional Licensure and Certification

Federal regulations require MSU to publicly disclose, for each educational program designed to meet the educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification required for employment in an occupation (or advertised as meeting those requirements), information about whether program completion would meet those requirements in a state.