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January 2025

Updates from the Program Director 

jn.pngIt remains an utter joy to teach, mentor, and connect with the exceptional people who make up the Social Science Scholars Program. Everyone who works with our students feels deeply privileged to have the opportunity to invest in their wellbeing and success. And we take pride in how this program has developed over the years. As you’ll learn below, our students continue to excel across campus. Just as importantly, under the leadership of Samyuktha Iyer and Dr. Melissa Fore, the Scholars Program is now deeply engaged in urban gardening, legislative activism, and community enrichment, activities which give dozens of our students the chance to learn off campus and take part in meaningful work. In this newsletter update, I’d like to share some remarkable student achievements, updates on how the program continues to evolve, and highlight some of the cherished contributions of our college and Scholars alumni. But first, some welcomes and (not really) goodbyes. 

Incoming and outgoing Scholars

Last April we said farewell to nineteen Scholar graduates. At Cowles House, where we hold our annual celebration, we felt immense pride in what they accomplished on campus and what they’re going on to do. As always, there’s a wonderful variation in career paths. Here’s a quick summary: Shweta Adsul has joined MSU’s Masters in Human Resources and Labor Relations which she’s combining with a Residence Hall director position; Joey Allen secured a highly competitive fellowship in the Michigan Mobility Fellows Program, an initiative co-developed by CEDAM, the State of Michigan’s Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, and Michigan Central which ‘attracts talent from all over the country to gain real-world experience in transportation planning and mobility innovation’; Sam Barans has begun a combined JD/PhD in Clinical Psychology at Drexel University; Justin Crouch has started a Masters in Psychology at Western Michigan University, with the intention of embarking on a PhD in Clinical Psychology; Jonah Cumings is now studying law at the University of Michigan School of Law; Katie Denzin is working here at MSU as a Data Administrator in the College of Education; Shruti Elango is working in the UK for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in its Supervision, Policy, and Competition Graduate Programme; Brennan Haugen is reading for an MPhil in Public Policy at the University of Cambridge; Shrishti Jalan is working for an actuarial consulting firm in New York City; David Koster is studying at George Mason Law School; Jilianne Kowalchuk is in the process of applying for law school; Zeyu Li is taking a Masters in social and economic policy back home in China; Vivian Morales is studying for a Masters in Urban Planning at MSU; Zach Sebree is doing a Masters degree in French at MSU; Roxy Sprowl is studying for her MSW at the University of Michigan; Sharmila Suresh is a Research Assistant for Impart Alliance in East Lansing; Kendal Vassar is in her native Atlanta seeking positions related to environment policy; Sydney Wojczynski is a Research Associate for Michigan Health Council; and Rebecca Yeomans-Stephenson is doing a Master’s in Library and Information Science at Wayne State University. We wish them all the very best and look forward to staying in regular contact with them. 


Samyuktha Iyer and Dr. Waller with some of the graduating Scholars in April 2024. 


Dr Waller and Dr. Heather McCauley celebrate graduation with the Scholars at the Breslin Center. Photograph: Jackie Hawthorne. 


Just a couple of weeks ago we also celebrated the graduation of four more Scholars at the December commencement ceremony. Shubham Aggarwal is taking up a position with a New York City investment bank and already has a successful start-up business; Lorenzo Duran will shortly begin working for Greene Wealth Management in East Lansing; Rainy Jain will be builiding up to the launch of her start-up, Passionett, a platform that connects students and young professionals with real-world project opportunities, enabling them to explore industries, build skills, and collaborate with organizations like startups, NGOs, and universities, in India. She will also be working for the firm Aptiv in Pune, Maharashtra, where she will join the Finance Leadership Development Program; and Mikayla Ward is heading home to Atlanta where she’s seeking roles with state senators. 


Finally, in September we welcomed our eleventh cohort to the Scholars Program (see the portraits below). Twelve hail from Michigan, two from Illinois, two from Ohio, one each from Texas, Ohio, New Jersey, Colorado, and one from the United Arab Emirates. Their college majors are also diverse: eight are studying Political Science, six Psychology, three Economics, two History, one Social Work, and one Urban and Regional Planning. We’re thrilled at the prospect of getting to know an exceptional cohort of students better. Recently, they finished up their first semester and have already proven themselves to be a VERY able and personable cohort. We’re enormously excited to get to know them better over the coming years. 

Other important updates

The Scholars Program also has a new location in Berkey Hall. Following the tragic events of February 2023, we were kindly offered temporary digs by Dr. Dean Rehberger, director of MATRIX, in the Natural Science Building. The new space worked out wonderfully and we’re very grateful. But the College and the University were extremely generous in adding a newly-designed Scholars space to the remodeling of the first floor of Berkey Hall. It’s part of a general and respectfully-carried out redesign of the north-south wing of Berkey which has replaced classrooms with open areas for students to gather and work and smaller rooms for meetings and quiet contemplation. The new Scholars suite of rooms affords us enough space for a lot more Scholars to come together in order to work, socialize, or collaborate on community projects. Having moved in during the fall, the Scholars have been quick to settle back into the building. 

Next up, some very impressive Scholar accomplishments from the past several months. This is a non-exhaustive selection:

It was a very successful fall semester for Jaida Gouldbourne who, building on her first palace UURAF award in the spring, has just published her first academic article , in collaboration with Professor Walter Hawthorne. As part of the Enslaved project, Jaida and Dr. Hawthorne made use of a recently-rediscovered collection of records from 1820 to reveal the intense cruelties and foreshortened lives on a particular Jamaican sugar plantation. Jaida’s research accomplishments were just recognised in this university article

Sam Barans co-presented a poster on the topic of ‘ Identifying Barriers and Pathways to Care Among College Students with Early Psychosis ’ at the University of New Mexico. Sam was also one of the recipients of this year’s Senior Class Council’s Outstanding Research awards. 

Katie Denzin served as Editor-in-chief of the Red Cedar Log, the official yearbook of Michigan State University which was established in 1889. The book is beautifully written and designed. 

Brennan Haugen received the Senior Class Council’s Outstanding Community Service Award and an honorable mention for Leader of the Year for his nonprofit ‘All Together’. 

Sharmila Suresh was a recipient of the Senior Class Council’s Outstanding Research award.

We had another bumper year of students presenting at the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum : A’Nya Burks, Kierra Jursch, Kayla Tracey, Surabhi Gangadkar, Isabelle Zablock, Nel Robinson, Jaida Gouldbourne, Jerome Hamilton, Payton Cooper, Sam Barans, Alayna Tisch, Sumaiya Imad, Sophia Futo, and Denis Selyuzhitsky all presented. Moreover, Denis, Shrishti, Kayla, Jerome, Alayna, Jaida, and Surabhi all won first place awards, a significant achievement.

Bailey Griffin, Vivian Morales, Kayla Tracey, Sumaiya Imad, Taz Amin, Garrett Coleman, and Lorenzo Duran were all selected as MSU Community Engaged Scholars .

Sasha Franklin received the Outstanding Student in Classics award.

Zach Sebree won the Michael S. Koppisch Scholarship for Outstanding Student in French.

Payton Cooper will be presenting her UURAF research at the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) in the spring of ‘25.

Ana Murillo has been awarded a PURI for her work with Dr. Caitlin Cavanagh's Juvenile Risk Assessment Team. Her research will look at racial disparities in charge severity among juvenile sexual offenders. She’ll present her research at UURAF and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting in Denver, Co., this spring. 

Roberto Marcos Garcia received the Spartan Volunteer Service Award, the Site Leader of the Year Award for his work for Alternative Spartan Breaks, and the Outstanding First Year Award at the Latinx Achievement Gala presented by the Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions. He was also awarded the coveted Brenda Larson-Becker scholarship and spent much of the semester interning as a Congressional Intern through the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) in D.C. for the fall semester.

Tazkira Amin and Jerome Hamilton were on this year’s Homecoming court. 

Tazkira Amin has co-published her second article in an academic journal, this time in the journal Prevention Science

Jerome Hamilton was awarded a place with the NextGenPop research program at Duke University, has been appointed an Equity and Inclusion Fellow for the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, was an MSU nominee for the Marshall and Rhodes scholarships, and presented at the Diversity Research Showcase and won 1 st Place for his research project, “Searching for Harmony in the Outdoors: An Exploration of Hunting and Fishing in Michigan”. Jerome was also just named the university’s nominee for the nationally-competitive James C. Gaither Fellowship. 

Sumaiya Imad won the Schoenl Family Undergraduate Grant for Dire Need Overseas for her work through her nonprofit, Sincerely, Her. She was also awarded additional support to assist with emergency medical bills for women hurt by political turbulence in Bangladesh earlier this year. Sumaiya’s extraordinary achievements have been celebrated in this university news article . Sumaiya and Sophia Futo have also been heavily involved in Dr. Katy Thakkar’s (Department of Psychology) Mental Health Research Connect project which seeks to involve people with lived experience of mental illness in the design of university research on psychosis (see video to the left). Oh, and a few days ago Sumaiya also won the 2024 Spartan Volunteer Service Award.

Ofelia Yeghiyan won a competitive scholarship from the Armenian Students Association.

Josie Danielkiewicz received the MSU Emerging Leader Award in February 2024

Emily Porco received The Sveri Stromesta May Award For Citizenship and Social Studies and a Daughters of American Revolution Good Citizen Award.

Kayla Tracey published her first co-authored peer-reviewed article in Current Opinion in Psychology.

Eleanor Pugh was awarded a $10,000 grant from the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund of the U.S. Department of State to co-lead a weeklong space science and photography camp for semi-nomadic youth in the Son-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan in August. The participants each created photo essays and Eleanor is working to organize an exhibit of some of the photos at the MSU Planetarium. She also received a Critical Language Scholarship funded by the U.S. Department of State to study Azerbaijani in Baku, Azerbaijan for two months over the summer. Lastly, in April Eleanor won MSU's Muslim Studies Undergraduate Paper Prize for a study of the effects of gender quotas among legislators in Central Asia. 

Sasha Franklin was awarded a Dean’s Assistantship and an Andrew Undergraduate Research Fellowship for her work in the Bioarchaeology Lab utilizing 3D modeling and GIS mapping to create an online archaeology education tool. This project is in consultation with the Belize Ministry of Education and the Belize Institute of Archaeology. 

Jack Vethacke was accepted into Phi Chi Theta, a professional business fraternity on campus. 

Nel Robinson and Katie Heeder submitted applications for the Fulbright Program. 

Sophia Futo continues to do brilliant work as an assistant to Dr. Katy Thakkar in Psychology, including helping to organise the visit of a memorably fine and humane speaker. On October 2nd of this year, Dr. Nev Jones, a community-engaged mental health services researcher from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Social Work, came to MSU for a talk sponsored by Dr. Thakkar’s Mental Health Research Connect and the Lansing chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). A large audience came together to hear Dr. Jones speak, with exceptional eloquence, of the need for US society to reduce the harsh economic inequities that increase the prevalence of serious mental illness and limit the accessibility of treatments to those who suffer. 


Dr. Nev Jones (left) and Dr. Katy Thakkar (right) where Dr Jones delivered a presentation entitled ‘Transforming Crisis Care for Serious Mental Illness: Focusing on Lived Experience.’

And, finally, it was a real treat to see Jasmine Jordan (currently a Cambridge University doctoral student) back on campus on May 10th 2024 where she delivered an excellent presentation on “Collateral Impacts of Incarceration: How Political Behavior is Affected by Direct and Indirect Contact with the Criminal Justice System” for a workshop organized by Dr. Nazita Lajevardi (Department of Political Science) on Politics of Race, Immigration, and Ethnicity Consortium. Her talk was extremely well received.   

Supporters, Guest Speakers, and Scholars

This semester the Social Science Scholars had an abundance of opportunities to meet influential, eloquent, and admirable guest speakers. An important feature of this program is that we make students aware of opportunities to hear impressive guests speak on campus and we endeavor to accompany them as much as possible to these events. Of the talks attended this semester, a few especially stand out. 

Several Scholars headed to the Wharton Center on October 16th for an event entitled ‘ Democracy at a Crossroads’ which brought together four writers for The Atlantic : Tim Alberta, Elaine Godfrey, Jemele Hill, and Evan Smith. The most memorable part of the evening was when Tim Alberta not only agreed to pose for photos with Scholars Luke Riegel and Emma Pinson, but gave up over half an hour of his evening to answer their questions about the state of US politics. As you can see in the photo below, they were thrilled at the opportunity to speak with a highly intelligent, insightful, and accomplished writer. 


Emma Pinson (left), Luke Riegel (center), and Tim Alberta (right) at the Wharton Center

In late September of this year we were honored by a visit by one of the Scholars Program’s most steadfast, valued, and distinguished supporters. Burton Gerber, retired CIA case officer who headed the office in Moscow during the 1980s (in addition to several other critical postings), held an interactive gathering with the Scholars. A man of profound wisdom, Burton conveyed the wisdom of a life lived in the most effective service of his country and of democratic government more generally. Burton coming to campus is always a highlight of the year. He is pictured below with a number of the students who attended his seminar. We were very saddened several days ago to learn that Burton has sadly passed away. Here is an obituary describing the life of this remarkable man.


Burton Gerber (center-right) with several Social Science Scholars.

On November 15th, about a dozen Scholars went to Hooked, a rather wonderful book/coffee shop just opposite Frandor Mall. Run by two Political Science professors, Sarah Reckow and Matt Grossmann, Hooked cafe regularly invites authors to present to community members. On this memorable evening, they hosted Dr. Mona Hanna , a leading whistleblower of the Flint water crisis, who described with charm and eloquence her vital role in bringing to an end the poisoning of Flint residents by lead-contaminated water. Always hero-sized, Dr. Hanna answered questions for nearly two hours and then kindly posed for photographs with the Scholars, plus a younger attendee, Sofie Brascamp, who also asked an excellent question. 


From left to right: John Waller, Dr. Mona Hanna, Madeline Swanbeck, Sofia Brascamp, Emma Pinson, Anabelle Sanchez, and Luke Riegel. 

Also this fall, we had the privilege of meeting and listening to an academic of the highest importance: Dr. Robert D. Bullard. A Distinguished Professor at Texas Southern University, Dr. Bullard is widely known as the 'father of environmental justice’, having spent his career as a leading campaigner against environmental racism. The author of many books and articles, Dr. Bullard has had a very significant role as an activist, a federal-level adviser, and an academic. Invited to MSU courtesy of Stan and Toba Kaplowitz, Dr. Bullard provided a sweeping overview of a spectacular career entitled ‘Environmental Justice from Footnote to Headline’. It was fabulous to have so many Scholars in attendance to hear Dr. Bullard speak and for them to be able to leave with signed copies of his superb book, The Wrong Complexion for Protection: How the Government Response to Disaster Endangers African American Communities . Below you can seeEmma Pinson and Maddie Garneau enjoying several minutes of conversation with Dr. Bullard. 


Dr. Bullard with Scholars Emma Pinson and Maddie Garneau. Photograph: Jackie Hawthorne. 

Lastly, we were thrilled to spend an evening with Cassidy Hutchinson on October 24th, the speaker for the annual Gupta Ethics Lecture Series. A former Principal Aide to the White House Chief of Staff and a New York Times Bestselling Author for her memoir, Enough , Cassidy was invited by the Gupta family who have done much to promote ethics in politics and have shown enormous generosity in providing scholarships to scores of MSU’s most deserving and upstanding students.


The Scholars Program was delighted that one of its own, Adena Norwood, was selected to be one of two interviewers who sat alongside Cassidy on the stage and, with exceptional skill, posed questions submitted by the audience. Above is a photograph of several Scholars with Cassidy. 

Scholars in attendance for Cassidy Hutchinson’s lecture. Cassidy is in the middle back alongside Adena Norwood. Photograph: Jackie Hawthorne. 

Scholars, supporters, and Homecoming Awards 

In the last two years, Social Science Scholar alumni and supporters have been deservedly recognized at the annual College of Social Science Homecoming Awards event. This year, Barbara and Mark Gerson were the recipients of the college’s philanthropy award. Here are the words spoken at the event by Dr. John Waller in recognition of their kindness and generosity:

"Barbara and Mark Gerson. What a perfect choice for the college’s philanthropy award. Barbara graduated from MSU with a major in Psychology. Mark is not an alum, but he has warmly embraced this institution, and we gladly return his affection. For it was Barbara and Mark’s vision and generosity back in 2013 which launched The Social Science Scholars Program and its mission of nurturing richly diverse cohorts of undergraduates. As such, there are no two people to whom I owe a greater professional debt. More to the point, Barbara and Mark’s willingness to invest in this unique initiative has now given over 200 students the support and resources to thrive and go onto excellent and meaningful careers. Having celebrated their 35 th wedding anniversary in June of this year, Barbara and Mark are true partners in life as well as philanthropy. 


Left: Barbara and Mark Gerson receive their Philanthropy award from Dean Brent Donnelan.

On that note, I’d like to emphasize that the Gersons’ philanthropy has the most admirably wide reach. I came to appreciate the breadth of their generosity in 2014 when they donated a beautiful oil painting to an art auction I co-organized for a local pediatric hospice charity. A month later I bumped into them at a gala performance of the Nutcracker ballet in Grand Rapids, an event held to raise money for Hospice of Michigan’s pediatric program. As a compassionate patron of a very fine hospice organization, Barbara was one of the organizers of the production. With a keen eye to how to further important causes, Barbara and Mark were soon engaged as executive producers of a documentary film. Called ‘The Hunting Ground’ it is about sexual assault and cover-ups on university campuses. Brilliantly honest, the documentary was shortlisted for an Oscar and has received hundreds of laudatory reviews. And, just last year, they were the executive producers of a second documentary. Entitled ‘Unbroken’, it charts the journey of the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who wished to understand more about how her mother and her siblings had evaded the Nazis. Already, Unbroken has garnered multiple awards. 

As will be clear, the Gersons give back with passion and vision. For this, I and my students are profoundly grateful. They have helped to make college affordable for the many low-income and first-generation students we serve. Just as importantly, they came to our aid when Jenn Arbogast and I began to appreciate the mental health burden endured by many undergraduates. We became aware of the extent of emotional hardship because we came to know our students well and they trusted us enough to open up. On hearing how out-of-depth we felt, the Gersons did something magnificent. They established a program, The Gerson Mental Health Initiative, by which our students receive access to mental health care in MSU’s Psychological Clinic, regular classes devoted to psychoeducation and stress management, and referrals to additional care where appropriate. Under Dr. Natalie Moser’s expert direction, The Gerson Mental Health Initiative has now been going strong for 10 years. 

The effects of this program have been life-changing for its beneficiaries. Not long ago, we sent out an anonymous survey to current and former Scholars to ask what we’re doing right and where we can improve. A significant number of the respondents singled out one thing that we’re definitely doing right: providing mental health support. With permission, I’d like to quote from a couple. 

“It is important to me to emphasize that my background is low-income and this status constrains every action I take. That includes seeking mental health care. The Gerson Mental Health Initiative is a program funded through donor support, meaning that I can seek therapy at no cost to me. This is how it came to change my life. I cannot adequately emphasize how much GMHI has made me the person I am. I am who I am today because of GMHI and Social Science Scholars, which means I am who I am today because of the generosity of its alumni and the college.” Another student writes: “My mental health is the greatest obstacle to my success and daily functioning. Reducing distress is essential and everything counts. I do not come from privilege and have no family resources at all. That’s why the Gerson initiative has been my saving grace.”

The gratitude runs deep and wide, Barbara and Mark. Thank you – and many congratulations on this well-earned award."


Charlie Booher receiving his Young Alumni award from Dean Brent Donnelan. 

Also this year, we had the pleasure of welcoming back Charlie Booher, recipient of the Young Alumni award. Below are the words spoken by Dr. Waller in recognition of how fantastic Charlie is as a professional, activist, and person:

"I’ll start by quoting a line from a reference I wrote for Charlie for a university award: Charlie is defined by the personal qualities that you would most like your own child to develop: intelligent, kind, ethical, hard-working, resilient, and driven.’ I penned these words when he was just a sophomore at MSU but already a stand-out student and person. There are plenty of remarkable things about Charlie. He has been pursuing his vocation for wildlife conservation since his childhood years just outside Madison, Wisconsin. In his interview for the Scholars Program, Charlie stated emphatically that he would devote his life to connecting scientific research with policy-making. Guess what he does now? Exactly what he proposed at age 17. Charlie works for an environmental consultancy group where he splices natural science expertise with policy experience to reconcile, wherever possible, the interests of nature and business. 

To say that Charlie hit the deck running as a student would be a wild understatement. Even before embarking on his double major in Fisheries & Wildlife and Political Science, he’d secured a spot in the Research on the Ecology of Carnivores (RECaP) Lab, joining a team researching how big cats can be protected in eastern Africa in ways that also benefit local peoples. Before long, he was co-authoring a scientific paper with, among others, Professor David MacDonald, one of the giants of conservation biology at the University of Oxford. Ultimately, Charlie would publish four articles with his MSU collaborators. 

And, without ever seeming overwhelmed, Charlie combined academic excellence with a series of internships. I was staggered in 2018 when he became the only undergraduate in the United States selected by the Wildlife Society to write weekly articles to inform wildlife scientists about relevant policy issues. In the summer of 2018, Charlie was invited to intern in Washington, D.C., with The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, then for the Michigan United Conservation Clubs, and then the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. On top of all this, he served as MSU’s president of Ducks Unlimited, an international wetland conservation organization, and he rejuvenated the university’s Forestry Club by coordinating the production of sustainable maple products for sale. It’s no wonder that, in 2019, Charlie became one of only 55 Americans to be made a Udall Scholar, one of the highest accolades an undergraduate can possibly receive.  

Having graduated from MSU in 2020, Charlie completed the ideal Masters: in Wildlife Biology and Natural Resource Conflict Resolution , setting himself up to realize his dream career. Charlie you are an absolute credit to this university, to this college, and to the Scholars Program. You’re also a most fitting person to receive the young alumnus award. 

Many congratulations to the Gersons and to Charlie! We’re honored to know you all and have you involved in the Scholars Program." 

Graduated Scholar highlight: Elias Kokaly


Each newsletter we celebrate the achievements, after graduating, of a former Scholar. For this issue we selected Elias, a member of our very first cohort which arrived in 2014. Elias was the recipient of the 2023 Young Alumni award. Here are his thoughtful responses to the questions we posed:

Why did you elect to study at MSU? Choosing MSU was a pivotal decision guided by my high school counselor’s recommendation to explore the Social Science Scholars program. At the time, I was considering a degree in Political Science with the goal of attending law school. My ambition was deeply tied to my experience of immigrating to the United States from the West Bank at the age of ten. The move was a pivotal moment that shaped my worldview and sparked my interest in law and political science.  Initially, MSU wasn’t on my radar, but that changed after my counselor shared insights from an MSU event where Dr. Waller introduced the program. Encouraged by his advice, I met with Dr. Waller and visited the campus. Those experiences confirmed that the Social Science Scholars Program was the perfect fit for my academic and career ambitions.

What were some of the highlights of your time there?

There were so many memorable experiences, but some standouts include studying abroad and interning in Congress. Mentorship from Doug Scott and Patrick Grobbel was also invaluable—they provided guidance that extended beyond academics and helped me grow both professionally and personally.

How did the Scholars Program contribute to your success?

The Scholars Program was foundational to my success, offering a close-knit, supportive environment within a large university. Dr. Waller’s investment in our growth created a space to learn, fail, and improve alongside peers who became lifelong friends. The program pushed me academically and provided real-world opportunities like internships, mentorships, and networking, laying the groundwork for my future achievements.

What are you doing now?

I’m currently the Head of Deployment Strategy at TRM Labs, a blockchain intelligence firm. We help crypto businesses, financial institutions, and public sector agencies combat financial crime on the blockchain. My team ensures client success, from establishing anti-money laundering programs to conducting crypto investigations.

What have been some of the most significant events in your life since graduating?

Since graduating, I got married, and next June my wife and I will celebrate our fourth anniversary alongside our baby girl, as we are expecting our first child with a due date in April. We’re overjoyed about this new chapter and look forward to the journey ahead. I’m excited to stay connected with MSU and explore meaningful ways to give back.

Thank you, Elias! To give you a sense of the kind of work he undertakes, have a look at these two stories, one about an FBI investigation into illicit cryptocurrency profits and one about ‘ romance scams ’. Elias really is at the leading edge of the use of technology that protects us from the new criminal opportunities opened up by the digital world. We’re so proud to know him and wish him and his wife, Lina, the greatest joy as parents. 

The Scholars Program in the news

A couple of Scholars community projects have been featured in different news media over the last months. 


First up is our collaboration with Citizens for Prison Reform, a Lansing-based nonprofit, established by Lois Pullano, which seeks to improve the quality of life of people in Michigan prisons.

Mentored by Dr. Fore and Samyuktha, several Scholars including Antwan Hart, Ainsley McNamara, Ana Murillo, and Sophia Futo all attended sessions at the Capitol Building to promote the passage of Bill 493 which would empower the prisons ombudsman to investigate what happens in prisons.


Antwan, Ainsley, Ana, and Sophia presented powerful evidence they had collected showing significant shortfalls in the quality of data published by the state on incidents such as suicides within prisons.

Below is a link to a Channel 10 news report on the work carried out by Lois, other members of CPR, and Social Science Scholars to bring more transparency to the prison system. 


Photos above: Sophia, Antwan, Ana and Ainsley being interviewed by a Channel 10 reporter and the Scholars team with CPR organiser, Lois and Charmie. 

Second, our Generations Connect program, developed in partnership with MSU’s AgeAlive and the Prime Time Senior Center, was highlighted in two publications over the last couple of months.  We’re tremendously proud about the success of this intergenerational partnering initiative and of the students who have done so much to make it happen and who have helped forge lasting friendships with senior citizens in the Greater Lansing area. This article in Second Wave , a Michigan online magazine, discusses the importance of such programs, and this story in the MSU Engaged Scholar online magazine talks in detail about how Generations Connect got started and the benefits it has brought to both students and older generations.   



Photos above: Scholars and seniors at a gathering of Generations Connect pairs at the East Lansing Public Library in November 2024. 

The inaugural Gerson Family Mental Initiative talk 


Caption: Scholars dinner with Dr. Stephen Russell, GFMHI Inaugural Speaker

The Gerson Family Mental Health Initiative (GFMHI) provides our students with deeply-valued psychological support and education on stress management and healthy relationships. Courtesy of the Gerson family, this year also saw the first of hopefully many GFMHI talks that address different aspects of mental health among younger Americans. We were thrilled with our inaugural speaker: 

Dr. Stephen Russell (he/him) is Regents Professor in Child Development, and Amy Johnson McLaughlin is Director of the School of Human Ecology at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Russell is an expert in adolescent and young adult health, with a focus on sexual orientation and gender identity. Here is the overview of Dr. Russell’s superb presentation: “There is clear scientific consensus that LGBTQ+ youth and young adults are among those at highest risk for compromised mental health. Sexual orientation and gender identity disparities in mental and behavioral health remain high despite decades of social change in visibility and social acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. At the same time, research has identified strong evidence of policies and practices that are associated with positive adjustment and wellbeing for LGBTQ+ and all young people. I share a developmental understanding of contemporary LGBTQ+ youth and mental health: Why disparities persist despite societal change and acceptance. I then identify strategies that create supportive communities, reduce mental health risk, and promote wellbeing for LGBTQ+ and all young people.” Very well attended and received, Dr. Russell’s talk sets an excellent precedent for future GFMI events. His visit also provided a valuable opportunity for current students to speak directly to a highly accomplished academic; below is a photograph taken at a restaurant where Dr. Russell, Dr. Katy Thakkar, Dr. Waller, and Dr. Moser gathered with eight Social Science Scholars to debrief and discuss our guest’s research. 


Dr. Stephen Russell and Dean Brent Donnellan before Dr. Russell delivered his talk: Understanding & Fostering LGBTQ+ Youth and Young Adult Mental Health.

We are deeply grateful to Barbara and Mark Gerson for giving the Social Science Scholars the support for them to flourish. 

An Ideal Partnership: Good Counsel Services and the Scholars Program

The Scholars Program has important relationships with several agencies, firms, and nonprofits which provide our students with superb opportunities to learn about different careers while performing a valuable service. But none has been so transformative for as many Scholars as our partnership with Good Counsel Services, Inc. , This remarkable law nonprofit, based in New York City, is one of the many achievements of attorney Elizabeth Dembrowsky, JD. 

In 2016, Elizabeth decided to do something to address the fact that many small nonprofits require legal, financial, and marketing expertise which they simply cannot afford. She did so by establishing ‘Good Counsel Services’ (GCS) to meet their needs. For eight years now, she and her teams of attorneys and interns have been doing vital work in helping prosocial organizations do their jobs well in addition to providing essential support for asylees from various parts of the world in preparing their cases. In these noble endeavours, fifteen Social Science Scholars have now been able to participate. They have taken from their internships with GCS the enhanced wisdom, confidence, and the self-efficacy that comes from taking on serious professional responsibility and rising to the challenge. 

Allow me to go back a few years in describing how much this collaboration has meant to the Scholars. I first heard of GCS on returning from sabbatical in fall 2019 and reconnecting with a wonderful, now-graduated Scholar called Jasmine Jordan. She had applied to intern there and, due to her already impressive credentials, becoming one of the very first undergraduates to be taken on and the first from MSU. Jasmine cut a swathe at GCS working mainly on converting the legalese of contracts into language understandable to clients and assisting asylum seekers by holding mock interviews, helping them to complete government documents, and accompanying them to court alongside Elizabeth. So superbly did Jasmine perform, that the following summer she was invited back to serve as chief-of-staff , an astonishing accolade which reflects Jasmine’s high intelligence and keen sense of social justice. 

Every subsequent year, Social Science Scholars have interned at GCS, mostly online but sometimes staying in New York City for a few weeks. And all speak glowingly of their experiences. Carrie Nielsen (summer, 2020), Nya Todd (summer 2021), and Vivian Morales (summer 2023) derived deep satisfaction from working on asylum cases, helping with documentation and drafting country condition reports under Elizabeth’s wise guidance. Nya recalls with especial pride also taking on a less conventional task of creating a database of university scholarships for which the children of asylum seekers could apply without needing a Social Security number. Carrie Nielsen talks of how ‘meaningful’ it felt ‘to help someone achieve an American Dream’. But it’s challenging work. Adena Norwood (summer and fall, 2023) writes of the ‘often-tortuous’ process of ‘advancing our clients through an asylum process.’ The role of assisting those fleeing violence and persecution has now been taken on by Sumaiya Imad (summer 2024). She particularly values the chance to help women escaping domestic violence to legally change their names. This was an especially fitting role for Sumaiya who, as a teenager in Bangladesh, began a nonprofit to address the needs of the victims of sex trafficking

Other Scholar interns have assumed quite different functions in GCS. For Shruti Elango (summer 2022), working on the Financial Resource Development team was ‘an incredibly fulfilling experience’, involving helping GCS to apply for the competitive grants that allow it to provide low-cost, high-quality legal services. And Macken Keefe (June 2022-March 2023) and David Koster (summer 2023) gained wide experience in a variety of legal areas, drafting letters and motions, gathering data, and researching legal precedents under the careful oversight of Elizabeth and her chiefs of staff. 

Without exception, Scholar interns enthuse about the quality of the experience which Elizabeth and GCS afforded them. As they attest, one thing above all makes this internship special: students are given considerable responsibility and are expected to perform to a very high standard and deliver excellent work. This offers a striking contrast to many internships where the work assigned is desultory or routine. But, as a result, students have the chance to grow significantly. ‘I was able to gain confidence in my work as well as strengthen my ability to figure out the task at hand without too much guidance’, writes Vivian Morales. Likewise, Nya Todd recalls that the ‘leaders at GCS offer guidance and support without micromanaging. It allows you to feel like your work is valued and that you are trusted.’ At GCS, Jasmine Jordan concurs, ‘You'll be hands on helping people. Most other legal internships that I knew of in undergrad mostly entailed organizing an attorney's papers, getting coffee, and taking notes in hopes of absorbing something. In this internship, you'll be learning on the go and actually working with clients (supervised of course) in order to get the best legal outcome for them.’

This level of autonomy rests, of course, on Elizabeth’s ability to motivate and mentor and infuse interns with the self-confidence to trust in their own abilities. As Jasmine puts it, ‘Elizabeth is a simply amazing mentor’. Shruti’s remarks nicely sum up an enthusiasm, gratitude, and respect shared by all interns: ‘I had the best time working with Elizabeth Dembrowsky. She is not only super smart, but also funny, witty, and always ready to lend a hand. The work environment was fast-paced, and I'll admit, I felt a bit lost during my first week. But Elizabeth and others helped me get the hang of things, and before I knew it, I was having the time of my life! The internship gave me the freedom to work on projects that truly interested me, and the support was there whenever I needed it.’ 

The experience of interning at GCS has been demonstrably profound for those fortunate enough to have enjoyed Elizabeth’s mentorship. Several are pursuing careers directly related to what they did at GCS and others are putting to good use the skills in writing, researching, and communicating which they refined under Elizabeth’s guidance. Here’s a brief summary of what the former GCS interns are doing now:

Jasmine Jordan is a Gates Cambridge scholar studying for a PhD in Criminology at the University of Cambridge. She has already completed an MSc in Criminology as a Gates Scholar at Cambridge. Elizabeth’s support was instrumental to Jasmine winning these dizzyingly competitive scholarships and also saw her reach the national finals for the Truman, Mitchell, and Rhodes fellowships!

Carrie Nielsen is an Assistant Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office where she works in the Microeconomic Studies Division assisting economists study how climate change and other energy/environmental issues will affect the federal budget.

Shruti Elango is working in the UK for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in its Supervision, Policy, and Competition Graduate Programme.

Shrishti Jalan is a Retirement Actuarial Analyst for the New York firm WTW.

David Koster, who left GCS ‘assured that I did want to become a practicing lawyer’, is studying at George Mason Law School.

Nya Todd is studying law at the University of Michigan Law School.

Sydney Wojczynski is a Research Associate for Michigan Health Council.

Vivian Morales is studying for a Masters in Urban Planning at MSU.

Macken Keefe spent a year at Queen’s University in Belfast as a Mitchell Scholar, partly on the strength of his GCS internship and a laudatory reference from Elizabeth. Macken is also now applying for both law school and political science PhDs.

Ata Algan has recently completed a Master of Arts in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Joey Allen secured a highly competitive fellowship in the Michigan Mobility Fellows Program, an initiative co-developed by CEDAM, the State of Michigan’s Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, and Michigan Central.

Nel Robinson, Josie Danielkiewicz, Adena Norwood, and Sumayia Imad are all continuing their undergraduate studies at MSU and are destined for excellent careers in various aspects of law and policy. 

We in the Scholars Program are deeply grateful for all that Elizabeth has done for our students. All of them have now attained a degree of professional confidence and success which can be traced, in significant degree, to their months spent interning with GCS. 

A Tour across England with the Scholars

This year the first-year Scholars spent just over three weeks in London, Oxford, and the Lake District, on a trip led by Dr Melissa Fore and Dr. Heather McCauley. In preparation for writing this summary, I asked the students to reflect on their experiences. From these I’ve extracted five main points made by nearly all the students and which underscore the value of study abroad and the absolute importance of scholarship assistance. 


Scholars on an “Uncomfortable Oxford Tour”, an engaging walking tour of the University of Oxford, uncovering the many overlooked aspects of the university’s history.

It's very apparent that the students made substantial intellectual gains. The students speak highly of meeting the brilliant novelist Joanna Kavenna to talk about the implications of AI, spending time at the Black Historical Archives to consider racial diversity and immigration in the UK, and visiting the Imperial War Museum, with its harrowing displays on the two world wars of the twentieth century. Domenic Cedillo was especially fascinated by the enormous racial, ethnic, social, and linguistic diversity of London; upon noticing a lot of people from South America in the vicinity of the student housing, Domenic “took to researching and found out that a large factor driving migration to the UK was suppression by militarized governments during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.” Additional learning took the broader form of enhancing the students’ grasp of the magnitude of historical and cultural differences. As Dakota Henderson wrote, “I believe that I went home … as a new version of myself with a better understanding of the greater world. This will help me immensely in my studies of both political science and journalism.” Another form of growth entailed gains in self-confidence having navigated another country and its often bemusing  – at first – customs and transport systems. Isabelle Zablock noted that she’d been “terrified” having “never taken a trip like that before”. In the event, like everyone else, Isabelle took chances, threw herself into the experience, and soon felt comfortable and adventurous. “So many Scholars and faculty encouraged me to take the leap,” Isabelle adds, “and I couldn’t be more grateful.”


Scholars attend a play at the Globe Theatre in London, a replica of William Shakespeare’s playhouse from the 1590s which is dedicated to the performance of Shakespeare’s plays.

Everyone also commented on the sheer joy of witnessing so much beauty, whether in the form of rural landscapes or the architecture of London and Oxford. The vibrancy of London also enthralled, as did the medieval colleges of Oxford with their honey-colored stone and quiet quadrangles. But one location was clearly the favorite of the group (as it is for me): the English Lake District. Reina St. Juliana puts it especially well: “It honestly felt like a fever dream, it was so idyllic and tranquil it helped me find more peace within myself.” Reina’s response to this region of ancient mountains, swimmable lakes, and historic farmhouses and pubs is so lovely that I’ll quote some more: “The most surprising thing on this trip was the fact that the Lake District is a place that actually exists. My imagination could never do it justice, I am extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to explore, learn about, and experience such a beautiful place.” Mason Hambley concurs: “It was absolutely serene, and I am confident to say I will be chasing that type of natural beauty for the rest of my life.”


Scholars after taking a dip in the idyllic Blea Tarn in the English Lake District

Every bit as gratifying is how the trip realized one of the main reasons we always want study abroad to be a central feature of the Scholars experience: the opportunity for tighter social bonds to form. Anna Murillo explains, “I felt I learned the most about my fellow classmates and friends. Being together almost 24/7 over the trip, we learned so much about each other and were able to bond over the memories we made together.” Likewise, Chloe Alexander noted, “I was most surprised at how close I got with all of my classmates. We were a tight-knit group, and there were several instances when we got all 20 of us out to do an activity. I enjoyed the family that we made.” Dakota and Isabelle put it well too: “It was like I was meeting the true version of the rest of the scholars for the first time” and “The trip brought me so much closer with my Scholars cohort and I could not imagine my life without the memories I made with them.” It’s clear that the Lake District was especially conducive to the deepening of bonds. As Jack Vethacke explains, “Until that point, we had a very busy schedule, but when we arrived at Old Dungeon Ghyll [the hotel in the Lakes], it was like time paused and we were able to take a break and get to know each other on a deeper level.” Abigail Livingston also acknowledged the specialness of our relationship with the people who manage the Old Dungeon Ghyll hotel and pub. “One of the best parts of the Lake District” she recalls, “was when we sat down and had a music night with some of the locals. Singing along to songs with them made us feel very connected, and it made it a lot harder to say goodbye.”


Scholars during a visit to Rousham House in the English Cotswolds where they spent an afternoon with the award-winning novelist, Jo Kavenna.

Dr. Melissa Fore, who has expertly and compassionately co-led these trips for a decade writes at greater length about how the Scholars grew closer together in both academic and social settings. I’ll quote her recollections in full: 

“Perhaps the most compelling day for me was touring the Imperial War Museum and walking back to the classrooms to debrief, having engaged with difficult material. They were generous in their exchanges with each other, asked follow-up questions, and chimed in with additional insights. The entire spirit of the discussion was one of respect and I could tell that the students were invested in their own learning, but perhaps more importantly, they were invested in creating a space where they learned together.  Each passing day brought new collaborations, whether it was punting on the river in Oxford, editing each other’s essays, and deeply empathizing with each other during a discussion about their writing in the Old Dungeon Ghyll tearoom.  I’ve been teaching in the college classroom for over twenty years and can say with certainty that the learning and growing that happens as a result of traveling abroad with a group as wonderful as the Social Science Scholars cannot be overstated. It is a privilege and a gift to be part of this program and learn alongside them.” 

Finally, one theme recurred in just about every response to my email: the imperative of scholarship support. Given the costs of study abroad, there is usually a strong class bias in who participates in such programs. MSU does well to provide need based scholarships, but they’re obviously limited and are seldom enough for low-income and/or out-of-state students whose summer credits are much more expensive. That’s why the Scholars are effusive in their gratitude for the extra funds that we were able to provide to cover some of the costs of flights, accommodation, and credits. Here are some representative statements: “The scholarship funds made the trip realistic for me – without them, I'm really not sure I would have gone on the trip”; “the alumni funds we received for this study abroad were a major factor in my being able to go since there are so many expenses associated with traveling abroad, not even taking into account the cost of course credits”; “I am very grateful that money did not have to be a barrier for me in experiencing this opportunity”; “Had it not been for scholarships, I probably wouldn't have gone as I wouldn't have wanted to financially burden myself on top of my educa tion. As it is, the memories that I carry with me from this study abroad will stay with me for a lifetime.”


A group photo in an ancient quarry in England’s Lake District

On behalf of the Scholars who spent such an enriching time in the UK last summer, thank you to everyone who has helped make it possible for us to provide scholarships. 

Thank you for reading the long-awaited winter 2024/2025 Scholars newsletter. Please get in touch with us if you’re a student who’s interested in applying to the program, if you’re an alum who’d like to be a mentor, or if you’d like to be involved in any other way.